Thursday, January 19, 2012

NDP Leadership Debates: Paying Attention Yet?

It may feel to us political junkies like the NDP has been hosting debates every single weekend, but they have been getting remarkably little news coverage or media attention. Today's poll question; have you watched any of the NDP leadership debates? Thus far the consensus (outside NDP circles) has been that they are very boring with too much agreeing, where no one candidate is distinguishing him or herself in either a good or bad way. The whole thing is disinteresting, but frankly, who can blame them? They are all too paranoid about making a mistake to say anything provocative or interesting; unfortunately it takes something on that level to get people to take notice. If you are too concerned with avoiding a "do you think it is easy to make priorities" moment, you end up with boring crap nobody cares to watch leading to a lack of significant news coverage.

That being said, the worst possible case is what's happening to the Republican Party right now in the United States. They are basically tearing themselves apart from within. Newt Gingrich is doing more to help get Obama re-elected than Obama is (who doesn't want an open marriage, right Newt). So yes, there are examples of how infighting in leadership contests can derail the future electability of the entire party. The Dippers are right to be cautions, but going too far the other way creates bad television that nobody cares to see. Don't be afraid to throw some punches guys. That's how you get people to pay attention.


  1. Just because she says he asked for an open marriage doesn't make it true. And considering she and Newt carried on a very long affair while he was still married to #1 doesn't say much for her. A vindictive jealous ex wife.
    Re the debates, I think Meagan Leslie did a lot of harm to the ndpq today with her praising O for saying no to the pipeline. Bet they don't get a lot of votes next time in AB and it could finish Linda Duncan. And she wouldn't have won if they had a different conservative running.

  2. What debates? And where are they televised? Certainly don't hear anything about them.

  3. No never took the time to watch the NDP debate. Based on the performance of the debate as outlined on this blog I would dare say that it sounds a lot like a typical Canadian “red-Conservative” debate.

    Take a look at our current PM Harper; besides from supporting gay marriage, supporting abortion, supporting prisoners’ right to vote, failing to bring back the death penalty, failing to address the lack of property rights for Canadians, allowing immigration and asylum seekers from known countries that support terror, failing to revamp the criminal justice system to adequately address the home-grown terror threat (remember the Toronto 18 and the slap on the wrists they got), Allowing known terrorists to live and walk free in Canada (soon to be Omar Khadr and of course the Toronto 18 when they get released), revamping the criminal code so that murder is actually murder not 12 years or a slap on the finger for impaired driving causing death, failing to withdraw from Kyoto costing us billions, failure to abolish the section of the human rights code that has been allowing special interest groups to file frivolous complaints to be filed against people for practicing free speech, making Quebec a nation within a nation………………..heck I’m just waiting for a real Conservative party to show up on scene in this country.

    Personally I couldn’t care less about the NDP but what ever floats your boat Iceboy!

  4. Those ndpqers should watch the cnn debate. Fireworks in the first minute and John King really got knocked out by Newt in the first minute and Newt got several standing ovations for it.

    1. I like Newt and Santorum (sp?).
      Mitt is a 1%er and would be creamed by Obama's billion dollar campaign.

      A Rep pundit says Mitt is waffling on making his tax return public because of the 'Caymen Isl' line... 1%

  5. NDP debates are like watching a toilet flush.

  6. The media obsession with Bob Rae (propelling and defending him) means they don't have time for the Official Opposition picking a leader.

    I don't watch the debates because I don't like socialism.

  7. What do the NDP have to debate; their every dream has come true: Canada is a welfare state with tiny military and huge dependent class; we have state medicine without alternatives; and their eco-ninny wing has stolen land use decisions away from owners and legitimate regulators. Obviously, I agree with anon. above (what's with "Anonymous" anyway? Afraid to stand behind your viewpoint?)

  8. I have the distinct feeling that the universe is going to unfold as it should,and after the next election,the NDP are going BACK to where they belong,THIRD place in Parliament.

    btw,I endorse Libby Davies for NDP Leader.

    1. Yeah, a lot of us were dissapointed when Libby decided not to run.

  9. The NDP is irrelevant in every way.

    Their ONE shot at showing the country that they are not junior members of Parliament and what do they do...they all excuse themselves from active duty and clamber to be leader, all the while leaving that rank amateur Nicole to front the Party.They should have sat down, had a serious discussion as to the prevailing circumstances brought on by dear leader's death and ran maybe three serious candidates for a six week race.
    Of course in the socialist mindset, every comrade is equal,(some moreso than others!)so welcome the no show Show that no one is really interested in.
    Since the MSM is going to boost the libs back to official party status,and seeing as the NDPerps are just dumb...I don't expect to see them back in OP next round,so who really cares how they mess their nest.

    The media ignores them mostly, while hovering on Bobblehead Rae's every breath.

  10. --I don't watch the debates because I don't like socialism.--

    Of course you do! You want ALL women *NOT* to have safe access to ABORTIONS. That's a communist edict. The most redneck, drinking cussing jerks I know are Conservative, and Alberta has the highest rate of domestic abuse in Canada. And so - hypocrite, again. {This is getting boring!}

    Please note the killing an unborn child **in this context** if you will. Exodus 21:22

    Also, 'socialism' gives us shared assets and responsibilities, like public roads, clean water in the taps, public swimming pools or skating rinks, the 3Rs at school, a nice place to get a broken arm set. Guess these are just dumbshit.
