Friday, October 1, 2010

Iggy Votes?

Since Canadian Parliament has resumed there have been six votes. How many have been attended by the leader of the Liberal Party? A whole two. He has missed 15 of the last 17 votes dating back to June. So does the man have contempt for Democracy, or is he just too special to actually show up to work? It is quite the elitist attitude to shun the people who elected you to SHOW UP and cast votes on their behalf in our legislature. When I write the book Ignatieffland, the cover will be a picture of his empty seat in the House of Commons. Bob Rae has been present for 22 of the last 23 votes.


  1. I find it odd that this situation is not more of a news story.

    If Mr. Ignatieff wants to be Prime Minister he needs to at least show some degree of interest in the Parliamentary process.

  2. Hmmm...I got it!!

    That pretender is one part British. That's where his off-spring and his ex-wife were born and raised. You know, the three people who the Toronto filth-bag media pretend don't exist. They don’t want to inform us of who this guy really is. They lie to your face because they loath you, and besides that, it gives them that old supremacist buzz of superiority which they need for their self esteem.

    Then the next part of this "faker" is from the United States. He's as American as only an uppity-up Harvard snot can be. Let us pause here and reflect on what the appointed leader the Liberal Party de Toronto has to say about the United States of America. Enjoy.

    “It’s your country, just as much as it’s mine.”

    “Being an American is not easy. It is hard. We are required…”

    “Unless your generation does better with this problem than my generation has done.”

    “As our constitution commands us.”

    Interesting Eh! The faker is faking with them as much as he’s faking with us. No wonder “they” had this phony appointed leader of their corrupt little confederacy.

    That leaves the remaining one-third as Canadian, or more truthfully, Torontonian. So I guess he could claim that he is pulling his own weight! The Toronto media are obviously agreeing with that by their silence.

  3. Speaking of his family, have a listen to this.
    But only listen if you really want to know where this self centered buffoons head is really at.

    Good thing he doesn't think the same about Canada...... or does he?
