Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Strombolopolis Lands Clinton Interview?

I am no fan of the CBC, but I would like to think that when foreign dignitaries come to town that they have better talent to interview the likes of Hillary Clinton than Strombo. Seriously? Clinton's people call the CBC for an interview, and the powers that be selected Strombo for this task? He's a rodeo clown! Should our diplomats be interviewed by misfits on American television like Sinbad or Danny Bonaduce? I don't mind the man having a job on television, but when I watch him interview the Secretary of State of the United States of America, I bow my head in shame. I'm not ashamed of Canada, just our tax funded public broadcaster for yet another bonehead decision.

That Hillary had just finished "blasting" Canada earlier in the day only contributes to my shame. I suppose it is possible that she was assigned Strombo in RESPONSE to her harsh statements. Like she was going to get Manbridge, the CBC decision makers saw the comments and decided "screw it, give her Strombo". It's possible.


  1. She is entitle to bash canada, the liberals and the media here do it regularly no surprise here.

    Some canadian officials(charest,May, etc) went to COPEHENGAN to blast their own country- but not a peep about USA because their god OBAMA is president.

    She knows nothing about our country canada only liberal nation within canada.

    Does she know that the liberals hate USA.

  2. I agree. Not that I really like Clinton, but heck, she IS the Secretary Of State of the US. And, if CBC is getting her back for her harsh comments, that's pretty small minded of them.

  3. Stop insulting Rodeo Clowns! ;)

  4. One Liberal interviews another liberal. What's the big deal? Its just the CBC and Hilary. That crowd likes the whole imperious vice principle shtick. Let them suck it up, it only makes them dumber. Think of it as a chance for Hilary to say something really dumb.

  5. Have never seen Strombolo-city or whatever so no idea how bad he is. Hillary and her boss are just mad with Canada because the Harper govt. is not bending to their wills. Don't mind Hillary's show of displeasure, as long as the Harper govt. keeps their word and pulls out our troops mid next year.
